B&R Industrial Automation Theme

This is a base theme for use with MkDocs in the style of B&R Industrial Automation's documentation. You can see the style in action with this documentation.

CSS and HTML Incompatibilities

It should be noted, that much of the style requirements are such to be able to support exporting for the AS Help as well as for standard webbrowsers. Because of this, many CSS or HTML elements may not be supported


pip install mkdocs-br-industrial-theme

Using The Theme

In your mkdown.yml file set the theme usnig name brtheme.

    name: brtheme


The adnomitions and pymdownx.details python markdown extension needs to be added to your mkdocs.yml file.

    - admonition
    - pymdownx.details

General Markdown


It is possible to create basic lists with normal markdown syntax:

    - List Item 1
    - Item 2
    - Here ya go

As with most markdown, make sure to include extra whitespace above the list to have the styling work.

Blue Tip Callout

This is accomplished using admonitions with the notice and tips classes. To implement, the following syntax can be used.

    !!! notice tips "Optional Title"
        Notice text

Optional Title

Notice tip text

Red Danger Callout

This is accomplished using admonitions with the notice and danger classes. To implement, the following syntax can be used.

    !!! notice danger "Optional Title"
        Notice text

Optional Title

Notice danger text


Tables can be used with normal markdown syntax

First Header  | Second Header
------------- | -------------
Content Cell  | Content Cell
Content Cell  | Content Cell
First Header Second Header
Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell

Drop down dynamic show/hide elements are also supported. This is accomplished using the markdown extension details. To create a drop down the following syntax must be used:

    ??? dropdown-ct "Optional Title"
        Make sure to use include the dropdown-ct class name.

Known Issues